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Escaran's picture

*See title*

I've officially been a 'member' of this site for 3 weeks now, but only just got a profile picture that I'm marginally satisfied with. It's still horrible, but I haven't gotten round to buying any of that cool recording stuff one of the threads on the forums was about. Thank you, Asaic, for that post. It'll really help me out getting something to work.

Forum said to say hi, so here it is. I look forward to posting more often on these forums. I haven't been a AC fan for very long (few months) but I've played through all 3 games so far, with full synch on the ACII and nearly on AC:B. The multiplayer in AC:B is also awesome, and I hope to see some fellow PS3 players in a match some time (preferably without them seeing me, until it's too late Smile )


161803398874989's picture

Hi there. Welcome to the site! Wink


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

Leo K's picture

Welcome to the site Escaran!

Pty James's picture

Welcome Escaran!Good to have you here. Party

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

PatrickDeneny's picture

Hi and welcome! Smile

Glad to hear you're a fellow PS3 player. I could really do with playing more multiplayer (once my exams are over) Tongue

aurllcooljay's picture

Wow, you've only played the ac games for a few months?! That's a fast time to play all of them. Shock Santa Rob's applause Tired Ghost So what do you think of them all, and which one did you like best?

..'s picture


I'm sorry of creepin the hell out of you. but anyways hi! Beer Beer Big smile

Escaran's picture

Thanks for the warm welcome all.

Wow, you've only played the ac games for a few months?! That's a fast time to play all of them. Shock Santa Applause Tired Ghost So what do you think of them all, and which one did you like best?

I actually liked all of them alot. I enjoyed the more fleshed out story of Ezio in AC:B and ACII, but I did feel much more like a mysterious awesome assassin as Altaïr. I also only recently found out that doing the investigations in AC actually yielded some results (like maps of the area, and such), never knew that. I'm playing through it again, and it's even more fun due to that. I miss that in ACII and AC:B, and as many other people have said the assassinations feel too scripted. Love the entire series otherwise (except that Ezio may have slightly too many ranged tools in AC:B (crossbow, throwing knives, poison darts), I sometimes felt like I didn't even need to use the hidden blade anymore).

Icefire's picture

Hey, welcome to the site. I agree about the ranged weapons, especially the poison darts, as you no longer even need to get close to cause a nice poison distraction for everyone.

Inconspicous: because nobody suspects the guy with all the weapons

JoeyFogey's picture

Welcome! I'm unable to afford any special recording equipment as well (college students are extremely poor) so I cheaped out and just use a webcam. Though I don't put up many because of the flicker issue mine has. Stare
Every once in a while, you get lucky and it lasts for almost hours without flickering, so I'd suggest trying that. Ebay is a lifesaver. Big smile

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Escaran's picture

Thanks for the tip, Joey, I'll definitely look into that if it'll save me some money Smile

IanXO4's picture

greetingss escaran! hope to hear more from you (or see some more from you if you decide to make vids!)