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Fly Like an Eagle's picture

After a one week hiatus in Hilo, Hawaii, I've returned to the forums. Spring break was certainly one to remember Drunk

During the 9 hour flights I got to see some brilliant films, including The Blind Side, Up in the Air, and Fantastic Mr. Fox (the last two both star George Clooney). Then on the 4-hour LA-Chicago flight they had to ruin their streak by airing Transformers 2, which was met with a wide variety of groans from many passengers including myself, so I just played HeartGold and listened to the radio in an attempt to keep myself awake at 1:30 in the morning.

Stab, it's unfortunate we couldn't do anything, and again I apologize. On the flight into Hilo they aired a show regarding the best drinks in Hawaii and apparently Duke's Bar in Honolulu is a hot spot, any truth to this? However, I found the Kona Brewing Company to be quite sufficient regardless.

I cannot begin to explain how beautiful the entire state of Hawaii is. It is simply unbelievable that one area of the world can have such a wide variety of environments. I took one day to loop the entire island of Hawai'i from Hilo to Kona, and I was stunned at the different climates and areas that all thrived on that island. Hilo is more of a tropical, lush jungle, while on the other side of the mountainous, lava-spewing volcanoes, Kona is a desert paradise that resembles the moon. One thing I liked in particular was the graffiti in Kona. Because the landscape is so vast and spread out, people often gather white stones and arrange them into their signatures and letters for all to see. I definitely would have put up a sign that read "Hey THB," but I don't own a camera and I had to get back to Hilo before I ran out of gas.

There's plenty more for me to tell, and I'll kindly answer any questions you guys may have. And don't think twice, if you ever get the opportunity to visit Hawaii, you sure as hell better go. I highly recommend it, and Stab *cough* Rick *cough,* I envy you for having the opportunity to live there. Hopefully when I retire in some 40-50 years it will be in Hawaii.

Hakunamatata, it's good to be back,


P.S: I didn't have internet all week or I would have posted updates. I don't know how I survived FLAE's eye roll Laughing out loud

AssassinLinfonel's picture

Nice! Smile Hawaii is indeed incredibly awesome! A friend of mine visit it because her aunt and uncle were going to marry there. And yeah, stab could be real happy for living in paradise. Cool

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

ROB_88's picture

did you see any women walk around wearing coconuts before they got sacrificed to the volcano gods?

anyway, when i was little i always wanted to go to hawaii. especially during winter. it's definitelty on my to-do list

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Fly Like an Eagle's picture

ROB_88 wrote:
did you see any women walk around wearing coconuts before they got sacrificed to the volcano gods?

Surprisingly enough there weren't any coconut bras from what I can remember (maybe they weren't in season). And the volcanoes were off limits because the lava wasn't flowing in a favorable direction and it was too risky to approach by land.

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

AssassinLinfonel's picture

Wait, you didn't even toast a sandwich above the vulcano? Sad

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

Pty James's picture

What the hype about Hawaii? Panama has better beaches, things are less expensive and no volcanoes around, as well as no ilnesses, just the problem that I call mental poverty.
Anyway, good to have you back FLAE.

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

Fly Like an Eagle's picture

Well for Americans you don't need a passport to get to Hawaii, Hawaii's part of the US and the language spoken there is English. I figure air-fare to Hawaii is also cheaper than air-fare to Panama. I'm sure Panama is excellent, though.

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

stabguy's picture

james89 wrote:
Panama has better beaches, things are less expensive and no volcanoes around, as well as no ilnesses

What makes one beach better than another is a matter of opinion. When travel magazines rate their "Top Ten Beaches in the World" they usually include one or more from Hawaii. I'd say that the beaches here live up to the hype.

Things are less expensive just about everywhere else. I'll grant you that.

The active volcano in Hawaii is a tourist attraction, not a safety risk. It's a shield volcano that oozes slow-moving lava.

I don't understand what you mean by "no illnesses". Surely people get sick in Panama just like they do everywhere else.

One reason I would recommend Hawaii to tourists is that there aren't many dangerous animals: no crocodiles, no snakes, no poisonous spiders, just the occasional tiger shark.

You won't even feel the blade.

Pty James's picture

Oh crap! why is it that I always forget this stuff. Umm, maybe because Panama doesn't has much publicity, and the best beaches are a day from trip, with no roads. By no illnesses I meant that I've seen a common steoreotype of Latinamericans that we are still plagued by polio, and other erraticated diseases. Sorry for being as close-minded, I got carried away.

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud