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I'm Back !

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Lord_Rat's picture

I don't know if i should be posting on this "Session", but anyway.

So, i'm back ! It has been a while since i last posted something here, but i was too busy these days. Trips, School, Tests, etc. I gotta admit that i could've atleast posted something here or there, and read some topics, but sincerely, i didn't had nothing interesting to post, nothing productive and interesting.

Anyway, i don't know if anyone here cares. Just wanted to say that i'll try to come to the site more frequently and post some interesting stuff. Wink

Obs: Sorry for my incredibly bad English. English is not my first language.

PatrickDeneny's picture

Hello again! I remember you made some interesting contributions to some discussions a while back. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on ACIII. Smile

JoeyFogey's picture

Long time no post!

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

LisaMurphy's picture

Welcome back, Lord_Rat. No need to apologize, life happens and besides, you actually communicate very well. No worries! Glad you're back, though.

"Now you shall get an earful of my beloved sword! Behold, Pillow Talk! Let's rock, baby!"