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Ezio Auditore's picture

why is there and advertisment over the maps, i cant see the map because of it

stabguy's picture

The maps were designed for a minimum display resolution of 1280x1024. Here are a few solutions:

  • Edit your display settings. If your computer does not support any 1280+ widths, try another computer such as a desktop.
  • Ads are removed for premium members of The Hidden Blade, creating more screen real estate for the maps. Join for $4.95US and you'll also receive
    access to videos that demonstrate how to collect all of the feathers in about an hour.
  • View the map images directly. With the Firefox browser this can easily be accomplished by right-clicking on a map and selecting "View Image". It
    will look like this, for example:
    This map is not interactive. The feather screen shots each have a URL like:
    Change the "55" to the desired feather number.

You won't even feel the blade.

JoeyFogey's picture

You can become a Premium member? I never knew this! Shock

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

stabguy's picture

Information regarding Premium memberships to THB can be found here.

You won't even feel the blade.

SBIzokronus's picture

Wow, I never knew about that either. You should really put the Subscribe link in the sidebar or in some other prominent position!

"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite."- Winston Churchhill
"Kill a man, and you are an assassin. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you

mmamu's picture

any idea about
If you are looking for a specific Flag, Feather or Rift refer to the following index:

Flags 27-31 - 0:34
Flags 32-35 - 3:25
Flags 36-39 - 5:17

what do u mean by index...........And 0:34

plz reply as soon as possible

stabguy's picture

mmamu wrote:
what do u mean by index...........And 0:34

Suppose you are looking at flag #30 on the map. You go to that place in the game and can't find a flag, so you aren't sure if you've already collected it or you're in the wrong place. The best way to verify is to watch the video (below the map). You don't want to watch the whole video, just the part about flag #30.

The "index" (or "table of contents") tells you which flags are covered at what times in the video. This is an excerpt of the index for the Campagna District of Rome:

Flags 27-31 - 0:34
Flags 32-35 - 3:25
Flags 36-39 - 5:17

Continuing with the flag #30 example, you would see that 30 is in the range 27-31. These flags are collected starting at 0 minutes and 34 seconds into the video. Start playing the video and fast forward to 0:34. Soon you will see flag #30 and can confirm if you're standing on the correct column.

You won't even feel the blade.

stabguy's picture

Our Maps tab now contains a couple of maps for AC3. Asaic prepared these maps of the Boston and New York Underground last week. I apologize for the delay in getting them uploaded to the site.

You won't even feel the blade.

Asaic's picture

Thanks, Stab. I hope everyone enjoys them!

By the way, I made those maps without referencing anything but my own playthrough, so there may be a branch or two missing. If anyone notices anything that needs correcting, please PM me and I'll get it fixed.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture

Asaic wrote:
Thanks, Stab. I hope everyone enjoys them!

By the way, I made those maps without referencing anything but my own playthrough, so there may be a branch or two missing. If anyone notices anything that needs correcting, please PM me and I'll get it fixed.

Just did the NY Underground today (without the use of your maps! Big smile )

Your NY map is missing the South Market. This is because, in the game, only the ten you have drawn show up on the Underground Map. On the outer New York map, all 11 show up. It's not a big deal, as it's the one you enter at. It's at the upper left corner of the square section in the bottom middle - very bottom of the map.

Again, doesn't show up on the map inside, but it's the furthest South fast travel point on the outside.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Asaic's picture

That's the reason I didn't add it in. Boston has the same thing, the initial entrance isn't on the map.

I figure there's no reason to add them because the underground is only there for unlocking fast-travel points on the city maps. You really only need to visit each underground once.

Thanks for mentioning it, though. Laughing out loud

Leo K's picture

Maybe I'm just crazy but I've 100%ed the NY Underground. I seem to have all the points in the Boston Underground but it says it's only 9/10.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture

Now that I've finished the game (AC3), the only other maps I think might be useful would be

  • map of all 9 general store locations (including hunting club)
  • map of fort locations
  • map of pivot locations

You can buy maps in game of chests, trinkets, pages, feathers, etc. Therefore, maps wouldn't be as necessary for these.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

JoeyFogey's picture

You can't get maps of pivot locations. They're set down by other AC3 players.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Double McStab with Cheese's picture

JoeyFogey wrote:
You can't get maps of pivot locations. They're set down by other AC3 players.

Haha.okay then. But the other maps may still be useful

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Asaic's picture

I'd love to make more maps for AC3. Hell, I'd do maps with pretty much everything on them if I could. Unfortunately, the dynamic background makes image capturing a massive pain in the ass, as it's necessary to stitch multiple images together and they wouldn't have the same brightness/contrast. That makes the maps impossible to make via traditional methods without them looking really bad (and very amateurish). Here is a prime example of what I'm talking about.

I'm afraid that I'm not interested in doing half-assed maps that look bad. I already feel that the underground maps that I did are pathetically plain, but there just wasn't anything else I could do considering what I had to work with.

On top of that, there's the hours of time it would take to fully fill out the map of each area (especially the frontier). Even if I had that much sheer time it to spend making maps the hard way (which I don't), I certainly wouldn't have the desire for something so painstaking.

If someone were to decrypt the .forge files from the PC version, I could pull the textures directly from there and create maps as good as the AC2 ones. I'm afraid that I have no knowledge of decryption, nor do I have the expertise it would take to code a program to extract textures from the game. So until such a thing happens, I'm afraid I can't do much more with AC3 maps. Sad

stabguy's picture

Asaic has updated the Boston Underground map to include the original entry point. A similar fix for the NY map may be forthcoming.

You won't even feel the blade.

161803398874989's picture

I just took a look at that map, and it really is a pain in the ass, since brightness level varies even in an individual image. You can try high-passing it, but that's pretty annoying and you get a loss of colour.
Best would be probably to Fraps it in max quality and then pull pictures from there.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

Asaic's picture

161803398874989 wrote:
Best would be probably to Fraps it in max quality and then pull pictures from there.

I have a capture card in my PC that's even better than Fraps. However, it's still a massive pain in the ass. I had a minute-long video of the Boston map on the map screen and tried to pick and choose portions to crop out at the same level of brightness. After 45 minutes of fiddling I had about 1/3 of the map looking good. Too much work.

AC3 maps are out of my reach, for now at least. However, a little birdy told me that there might be some other new maps showing up soon... That would be pretty cool.

stabguy's picture

stabguy wrote:
A similar fix for the NY map may be forthcoming.


You won't even feel the blade.

stabguy's picture

Asaic wrote:
However, a little birdy told me that there might be some other new maps showing up soon... That would be pretty cool.

Asaic was hinting about his new AC1 maps of flags and Templars. They are now available from here:

That first screen with the black background is just something I threw together. I realize that it sucks. Perhaps someone will provide a nice overview map of the Holy Land.

After you click through that page you will see Asaic's new maps. I like the way the districts are color coded and the fact that the maps are free from in-game artifacts (such as the diagonal lines which indicate Altaïr's location). We believe that all errors in dot locations have been eliminated. If you spot an error please notify Asaic. He designed the maps to be easily updated.

The screenshots are still the ones that Firestorm put together five years ago. I doubt that anyone has the patience to repeat that exercise. If you do, please consider doing screenshots for Brotherhood instead.

You won't even feel the blade.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture

stabguy wrote:
If you do, please consider doing screenshots for Brotherhood instead.

I've tried... but don't have the capabilities to do it in high enough resolution to be meaningful...

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Asaic's picture

stabguy wrote:
That first screen with the black background is just something I threw together. I realize that it sucks. Perhaps someone will provide a nice overview map of the Holy Land.

I figured the Kingdom map would do that job. That's why I placed the city names/icons on it. Wink

161803398874989's picture

Thanks a ton, Asaic! I was wondering about the William route (for the speedrun), and having these very clear maps definitely helps.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

Asaic's picture

Glad you like them!