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The new Dragon Age?

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Lilkanyon's picture

Did I miss a topic on this game? I looked forward to it for so long and got frustrated and bored with it within a week. I am sure I built my character totally wrong but to not be able to beat the void thingys (sorry its been a couple months since I played) even in the beginner zones has got me beating my head against the wall. Do I need to read The Art of War to play this game?

Leo K's picture

I don't think we've actually had a topic on Dragon Age: Inquisition yet, but this could be it! Smile
I haven't played it yet. DA:I is a game that I want to play, but its price right now is higher than I'm willing to pay for a game that is not "my kind" of game. (Not enough Acrobatics/Stealth/Roguishness etc.) Once it drops some more it'll definitely be one of the games I'll try, since a friend of mine and a friend of hers are both prodding me to play it.

Depending on how early you are in the game, you might be able to do other quests, and fight/grind on other monsters to make your characters a bit stronger before you go back and try again on whatever was killing you. The long break you took might have helped as well.

Altair Auditore's picture

I played this game a while ago and it was my first Dragon Age type of game and I quite enjoyed it. I played a warrior: shield and sword type of character which was a lot of fun imo.. for anyone who enjoys roleplaying games I'd recommend you play this game. Although you have a bit less freedom in terms of background character compared to Skyrim

Lilkanyon's picture

Grr, I tried the rogue/archer type and I think I need to restart the game. i have played the other two and loved them both even tho the second got bad reviews. I was really looking forward to Inquisition and its a huge open world reminds me alot of World of Warcraft. If you are not careful you could wander into an area way above your level. I will try not to be too critical of the game until I give it a second go. For now, my first impression is I am never excited to wake up and pick up the controller. It feels more like a job then fun cuz I anticipate frustration instead of challenge. Well, I will leave it at that and give it another go.

Here's to you as good as you are. Here's to me as bad as I am. As bad as I am, and as good as you are, I'm as good as you are, as bad as I am.

Lilkanyon's picture

Btw Zoup, there is some stealth options as a rogue, but Ive never fleshed it out so I cant tell you anything about it.

Here's to you as good as you are. Here's to me as bad as I am. As bad as I am, and as good as you are, I'm as good as you are, as bad as I am.

Lilkanyon's picture

As for grinding? i dont have time for that. Thats partly why I quit MMO's.

Here's to you as good as you are. Here's to me as bad as I am. As bad as I am, and as good as you are, I'm as good as you are, as bad as I am.

Leo K's picture

It wouldn't be as hardcore grinding as you'd have to do in MMOs, and as far as I know every quest in DA:I can be beaten through raw strategy, but yeah. Rogues have stealth options hmmm~? Coool~ ;]