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Siggman's picture

Well, let's get on with it then. Ok, maybe not very original but nevertheless sincere: congrats to the makers of this excellent dedicated website. I am a Belgian guy (best Beer in the world, no doubt Laughing out loud ), am an occasional gamer (family, work… read: mostly time issues), and am living in the Pyrenees (South of France) for 3 years now in a rather remote but idyllic area. This also means a slow satellite internet connection and no game shops in the direct neighbourhood. This is why I get most of my games a long time after most of the launch hype wore off and explains why I picked up the AC-series just recently. Must say I was immediately hooked by the gameplay and story of the first AC and was blown away by the Italian renaissance setting and gameplay improvements of AC2. In fact this game made me for the first time wanna go for a 100% trophy achievement… which I got by means of this excellent site!
In general I love games which tell a good story, especially when there’s some historical background involved (Uncharted/God of War) and which have a fluent or even innovative (Fahrenheit/Heavy Rain) gameplay. In short, games that drag me in there and offer me some food for though and – of course – pure fun. And that’s what AC did.
So that’s basically it. Hope it’ll be fun hanging around here once in a while to pick your brains on the next AC episode. Cheers guys, and girls.

PatrickDeneny's picture

Hello and welcome! A very nice introduction of yourself - its good to get to know a bit about you Smile

ACII was the first game that I decided to 100% Platinum too. I agree, as does everyone here, that the storyline and unique setting/atmosphere make it so fun. That's why I also enjoy Uncharted, Heavy Rain etc. Laughing out loud

So yeah, welcome, Siggman!

LisaMurphy's picture

Welcome, Siggman! You live in the area that I would most like to visit in the whole world, so you are very lucky IMO. I like Belgium quite a lot too. I've been to Ghent and Bruges and I would go back in a heartbeat.

Are you also bromans from GameFAQs? I'm crybaby51 over there and we had some conversation there recently if you are. Bit of a shame about the slow internet connection interfering with the video viewing, but there are other compensations I'm sure! Thanks for joining up. Smile

"Now you shall get an earful of my beloved sword! Behold, Pillow Talk! Let's rock, baby!"

JoeyFogey's picture

Welcome! More new users should describe themselves in more detail like you did. Then we could've spotted the trolls early. Wink

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

aurllcooljay's picture

I've been a user for less than a year- does that make me new? Tongue Well you really got it right with why the AC games are so fun and cool, perhaps there are more things you would want to say about them? Steve

JoeyFogey's picture

aurllcooljay wrote:
I've been a user for less than a year- does that make me new? Tongue

Seeing as the site's only been up for just over a year, I think you're in the clear. Big smile

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Pty James's picture

Welcome man! Hope you enjoy the site Beer

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

Siggman's picture

Thank y'all for this warm welcome. I usually don’t subscribe easily to websites but in this case I was surprisingly… well, surprised (duh!) by the structured, straightforward and clearly passionate way this website and its contributors do their thing (the topic “The story so far” by DarkAlphabetZoup is spot-on). And well, after having played both PS3-episodes of AC I became kind of a “fan” of this franchise. Putting these two things together made me sign up. And though I haven’t read all the topics, it certainly helps that apparently there’s not much negativism going round on these forums (@ JoeyFogey: keep chasing them trolls, man Crazy ). Maybe something else about me: I’m not really a hardcore gamer but I’ve played some nice oldskool stuff back in the days on my Commodore 64 and PC: Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, the first Prince of Persia, Burnin’ Rubber, Syndicate, MULE… Pretty amazing at the time... for tapes and floppies that is. Then I passed from PS1 to 2 to 3, buying some games from time to time. And a final thing (@LisaMurphy): yes, the scenery here in the Pyrenees is beautiful (check at and I do consider myself lucky but hey, life’s what you make it. I left my comfort zone and carrier in Belgium to quit the rat race and earn less here in the south but I get loads in return. Piece of mind. But I still love my roots and return there once in a while to visit family and friends. And indeed I’m Bromans from GameFaqs. Nice to meet you again. Nuff said (this is no facebook right). Glad to be on board. Cheers. Siggs

stabguy's picture

LisaMurphy wrote:
I like Belgium quite a lot too. I've been to Ghent and Bruges.

Really? I've been to Belgium a couple of times. Over on AC-maps there are some photos from my last visit to Brussels and Bruges (click on links there for additional pictures).

Siggman wrote:
The scenery here in the Pyrenees is beautiful.

I haven't been to the Pyrenees yet but hope to visit Andorra someday. Nothing against France - I enjoy visiting other parts of your country.

Thanks for joining our community, Siggs. It's a shame you can't watch more videos because there are so many good ones to choose from here.

You won't even feel the blade.

LisaMurphy's picture

Thanks, stab. I'll check them out.

"Now you shall get an earful of my beloved sword! Behold, Pillow Talk! Let's rock, baby!"

Siggman's picture

Funny, this time lag. You guys post when I’m sleeping and vice versa.
(@stabguy) I took a look at your pictures and sure do I recognize these places. Manneke Pis is usually surrounded by buss loads of Japanese tourists. And you know, just around the corner is a small statue of Manneke Pis’ wife. It’s well hidden and only known to few. It’s called Janneke Pis (Jeany Piss if you like, what’s in a name) and she’s doing the same thing as her “husband”, only in a female pose… All your historical facts are pretty accurate. I used to hang out a lot in Brussels – my brother still lives next to the Grand Place – visiting the cool cafés not visited by tourists. There’s also a huge underground music scene. Anyway if any of you ever return there for a quick “Europe by storm” visit, don’t hesitate to inform me so I’ll make sure I get there in time Wink . And of course I know Bruges as well. I used to live in Ghent – which is just next door – just before moving to the south. And indeed, there are a lot of mysterious stories going round on the blood stained piece of cloth which is said to be kept there. Maybe there’s even a link to the Apple… Cool Oh well, Belgium is so small. You cross the country in only 3 hours tops.
As for Andorra, it’s a tax-free paradise so a lot of Frenzies go shopping there (liquor, smokes, even for car tires). It takes me 2 hours to get there but honestly there’s not that much to see. The capital Andorra la Vella is like one big shopping mall and besides that you’ve got woods and mountains (which I got plenty in my backyard Big smile ). Andorra is more like a transit country for people on their way to Spain.
As for watching videos through the internet: as my French provider has more or less a monopoly position in this part of the market (satellite), they limit the down/upload capacity once you pass 4Go, which is really nothing. And as a customer you can’t do a thing about that. Sure, pay more to get some more but that’s so unfair. If I had ADSL cable here for the same price (as most people have in big cities) I’d be downloading-a-gogo. But as said before, I choose to live quietly on a hill surrounded by nature. Anyway every 8th of every month they reset the counter and that’s when I look at videos… for about a week while it lasts.
Ok guys, off to work now. Talk to you soon.