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Not just another blade in the crowd any more

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LisaMurphy's picture

Hello everyone. I read about this site on gamefaqs (I'm CryBaby51 over there) and I have enjoyed it immensely so I'm joining in order to spread the love.

Just to be upfront: I'm a middle-aged woman who enjoys playing video games. I have 2 daughters in college who do also.

The games I love (and I like to do many repeat plays): Legend of Zelda (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, 4 Swords Adventures), Okami, Assassin's Creed 2, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus.

Looking forward to much fun here, and thanks to stabguy and IanXO4 for creating all those great vids.

Asaic's picture

Welcome to the board!

AssassinLinfonel's picture

Greetings Lisa! Smile

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

Pty James's picture

Hi Lisa! Hope you enjoy the site.

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

stabguy's picture

For those of you who don't follow GameFAQs, Lisa wrote a glowing review of The Hidden Blade on the PS3 board. That led to Couly joining our forum and now the CryBaby herself! Crying Welcome, Lisa. I'm glad you decided to accept my invitation.

There's no reason to feel you have to be "upfront" about being a middle-aged woman. The culture here is accepting of all members (age 13 and up) as long as they're respectful of others. We have several mature gamers, myself included, and some female members who we haven't scared off... yet.

You won't even feel the blade.

IanXO4's picture

greeting lisa! thx for the gamefaqs review! please tell us a little about koalas.

LisaMurphy's picture

Well, I visited Australia and at one of the animal parks they let you hold a koala. It's seated on a toy stuffed animal so it can be handed around more easily. (That's the bit that looks like a pot belly.) They're really lethargic but their fur is very soft. That's the sum total of my experience with koalas.

And thanks to everyone for the warm greetings. I'm looking forward to hanging around.

"Now you shall get an earful of my beloved sword! Behold, Pillow Talk! Let's rock, baby!"

ROB_88's picture

stabguy wrote:
We have several mature gamers, myself included, and some female members who we haven't scared off... yet.

ah, i see a challenge

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Fly Like an Eagle's picture

ROB_88 wrote:
stabguy wrote:
We have several mature gamers, myself included, and some female members who we haven't scared off... yet.

ah, i see a challenge

You know generally it's the female members that end up scaring off some people. Lilk has been responsible for scaring of procrastobater (if I remember correctly, but we still value her regardless Smile ). I also remember reading a little event back on AC Maps in which Trig pretty much destroyed this guy who sarcastically asked stab a stupid question. I've yet to see any female members really wander off except for Trig. Where's she been lately?

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

stabguy's picture

Fly Like an Eagle wrote:
I've yet to see any female members really wander off except for Trig. Where's she been lately?

Trig hardly ever wandered on to The Hidden Blade. Sad The last time I ran into her here was on ParaChat the day we rolled it out. Trig's been doing the usual: cosplay, Alice in Wonderland, English class and fixing her hair. Trig's nuke I think she bought AC2 but hasn't started playing it yet.

I was disappointed when Fordeadlysin went away. She was an active member in the early days of THB and then suddenly stopped posting.

You won't even feel the blade.

AssassinLinfonel's picture

Maybe you should do something about your bad breath stab Cool

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

Asaic's picture

AssassinLinfonel wrote:
Maybe you should do something about your bad breath stab Cool

Yeah. We didn't want to say anything, but...


Couly's picture

Thanks for the heads up about this site lisa. That's what I love about video games, all ages can enjoy. I'm 34 and playing AC2 brings me back to my early playing days, not many games can do that.

LisaMurphy's picture

Hey Couly. Nice to "see" you here. Looking forward to hanging out.

"Now you shall get an earful of my beloved sword! Behold, Pillow Talk! Let's rock, baby!"

dougiethe1derboy's picture

Welcome Lisa. Glad to have you with us.

I've lost count Stab, do we old schoolers outnumber the youngsters yet?

Lilkanyon's picture

Fly Like an Eagle wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
stabguy wrote:
We have several mature gamers, myself included, and some female members who we haven't scared off... yet.

ah, i see a challenge

You know generally it's the female members that end up scaring off some people. Lilk has been responsible for scaring of procrastobater (if I remember correctly, but we still value her regardless Smile ). I also remember reading a little event back on AC Maps in which Trig pretty much destroyed this guy who sarcastically asked stab a stupid question. I've yet to see any female members really wander off except for Trig. Where's she been lately?

Welcome Lisa, I am SO sorry it has taken so long. My life has been hectic for FLAE, pay him no mind Tongue I don't run off ppl (

Here's to you as good as you are. Here's to me as bad as I am. As bad as I am, and as good as you are, I'm as good as you are, as bad as I am.

Giga's picture

Welcome Party

La verit' e' scritta con il sangue