string(6) "sticky" string(7) "created" string(3) "nid" string(465) "SELECT DISTINCT node.sticky AS node_sticky, node.created AS node_created, node.nid AS nid FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {node_access} na ON na.nid = node.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'term_access'))) AND ( (node.status = 1 OR (node.uid = 0 AND 0 <> 0) OR 0 = 1) AND (node.vid IN ( SELECT tn.vid FROM {term_node} tn WHERE tn.tid = %d )) )ORDER BY node_sticky DESC, node_created DESC "
Turn targets into one-hit punching bags!
Read this description for the explanations of how each target was set up, as well as why other targets couldn't be killed this way.
You can't take his heath down early without getting detected, which makes it impossible to progress.
Get into the hospital early through the window.
Then take down his health until he's one punch away from death.
After killing his guards, take out Talal's health with throwing knives.
You'll need to have done the Garnier assassination first to have the knives unlocked.
Now one punch is all you need to take him out, but it's easy to miss on the running target.
Get into his fortress early.
After punching him nearly to death start the scene. Afterward sneak up on him with a jump. If you get detected, William will get into combat stance and block the punch, which happened a lot until I jumped from the spot in the video.
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Many thanks to MAGLX for discovering an easier way of getting in the side window.
The easy way to get inside the hospital early is to to edge jump to the window.
After that you will notice Garnier and two guards standing by the door inside the hospital. There are also two other guards and a civilian prestaged for the following cutscene.
Now for the invisible assassination. For those who are not familiar with it, it happens when characters for a scene prior to an assassination are assassinated in high profile (except for the target, he can be assassinated in low profile) while despawning. This causes the memory corridor to start, skipping the assassination mission entirely.
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Hey, guys. Here I find an easy way to climb this window, I believe you just read on to understand how to do it. But I'm not sure whether this method can be used on PS3 & Xbox360, if you had to try this, please tell me whether or not feasible.
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In this video I demonstrate new world record blitzes for Tamir and Talal, as well as a super consistent way of escaping without hiding after the Tamir assassination. Actually, all of the stuff in the video is really consistent. I shave off almost half a second from the current WR on Tamir (1.03s versus 0.6s) and almost two seconds on Talal (24.00s versus 22.3s). I'll talk a bit about the setups and methods I use below.
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This video is the result of a collaboration between aurllcooljay, JoeyFogey and myself. Our goal was to document the ten greatest achievements in AC1 by members of The Hidden Blade. We hope to publish this video to a wide audience and let them see what THB is all about. To that end, I've joined the Union For Gamers program to partner with Curse. They have agreements with publishers like Ubisoft that let them monetize and promote gameplay videos (as long as they don't contain copyrighted music). If your channel qualifies it's a good deal: 90% revenue share, no lock-in, and no branding requirements.
See the following links for more information on the original discoveries.
1. Robert and Al Mualim Early Death
Reported on Gamefaqs
Original Robert Death
Original Al Mualim Death
2. King William's Death
3. Shock and Awe
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Air to Assassinate from the same Height
In AC1 the air to assassinate move isn't as simple as the push of a button. In some cases you have to be locked on and/or in high profile. But here's something you don't know. It can be done from the same height as the character being assassinated.
Here are the basics:
1. Stand by the edge of a platform/roof/anything with the option to drop.
2. Lock onto the character you will assassinate.
3. Move in high profile while facing the edge.
The option to assassinate should appear on the HUD. This is a bit different from the regular high profile assassinate because it can be done from farther away and the camera angle changes right after Altair jumps.
Here's a good example for this air to assassinate move (and also my first video on this target). First a few things. After fighting all the guards in the warehouse you can lock onto Talal, and after climbing on a short platform, throw knives at him. He will react with an exclamation, but make no effort to run away (he even walks back to the spot he was standing on). Also you can shimmy from the ladder to where the target is, only a few meters away when the scene starts.
Now for the parallel air to assassinate move. In the first scene Talal is so far away that the kill fails, with Altair bumping into Talal. Luckily it stops him for a regular kill. The second scene goes much smoother.
[Front-paged. Second video moved below the fold. -stabguy]
It is possible to get inside Garnier de Naplouse's hospital before you can assassinate him using an exploit. You can get in the broken window by superjumping there (a long range jump). To do this you need a character to air assassinate. So lead a guard to a certain spot and kill him without doing any kill animations. He will still be alive for a short time on the ground, and you can kill him with your hidden blade only. During this time he can be reanimated. To do this find a structure to air assassinate him from. Stand on the other side of the structure, lock on and attempt to assassinate him.
You will bump into the floor of the structure which will cause the air assassinate to fail, but the guard will stand up again and start to walk. He will be unresponsive and won't be affected by gravity which will cause him to airwalk in a straight line. Use this as a way to get in the hospital by trying to get a guard to airwalk to the broken window. I'm not sure if anyone else has found out this exploit (I haven't seen it on youtube so I'm assuming no one has). Once inside the hospital you will find Garnier and two other guards standing by the door. If you kill them they will stay dead for the scene and even afterward. With Garnier already dead there's no way to assassinate him without restarting.
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Collection of Assassin's Creed cheats and shortcuts.
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The Turkey Shoot: The goal in these assassinations is to immobilize the target so that you can easily stab him/her with the hidden blade. Of course, the developers never intended such assassinations to be possible, so you have to rely on several exploits in order to pull off these types of assassinations.
Here are video walkthroughs for the assassinations shown in "The Turkey Shoot".
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Here are some extremes of hiding in plain sight.
William: After William is done lecturing his men, he goes to his desk to study a map. You can climb down behind William and blend right next to him. If you bump into the table, William will notice you, so you need to be careful as you approach the table. In this video, I line up Altair's shoes with William's shoes to ensure that Altair doesn't bump the table.