string(6) "sticky" string(7) "created" string(3) "nid" string(465) "SELECT DISTINCT node.sticky AS node_sticky, node.created AS node_created, node.nid AS nid FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {node_access} na ON na.nid = node.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'term_access'))) AND ( (node.status = 1 OR (node.uid = 0 AND 0 <> 0) OR 0 = 1) AND (node.vid IN ( SELECT tn.vid FROM {term_node} tn WHERE tn.tid = %d )) )ORDER BY node_sticky DESC, node_created DESC " Sequence 2 | The Hidden Blade

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Sequence 2

aurllcooljay's picture

Infiltrating Southgate Assassination Variety Pack

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

The Surgeon Early Death

In the memory The Surgeon, you are first introduced to the target Silas in a scene. While playing through I discovered a way to assassinate Charles Lee. Position him so that he's around a corner. Then whistle for a guard. When the guard gets close enough on the other side of him, the weapon icon will light up to show you can do a corner assassination.

Be sure to use a smoke bomb so you won't get seen otherwise you'll fail the mission. I tried this on Charles earlier in the memory with no luck. Even if I had been successful, the game would have desynched me for an ally dying. I guess the game developers weren't worried about Charles dying in this part of the memory.


The fastest way I could kill Silas. Right after the obligatory human shield tutorial, run straight to the fortress. There will be a brief lag when you get close from the game loading NPCs. climb up at the place shown and shoot Silas. Luckily I didn't have to move the camera since he's right in front of you, although you may target another enemy next to him or if enemies are passing close by (the chances of which I'm not sure of).

aurllcooljay's picture

Additional Early Deaths in Sequence 2
[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Charles Lee and Thomas Hickey Double Deaths
In the memory Johnson's Errand, you accompany Charles Lee and Thomas Hickey in returning an item for William Johnson. After the cutscene your allies distract a group of posted guards (pretending to be drunk?). There's a place just outside of a memory wall where you can drown them. They reappear for a scene after you kill the guards in the area. After that you can drown them again. They will, of course, reappear for that scene as well, but after that the game records their health. Another thing to note: After the scene where Haytham lets the leader of the enemy group go you can kill him, although the game counts it as killing a civilian.

Edward Braddock, John Pitcairn and Charles Lee deaths
Here's an opportunity to kill Edward Braddock in The Soldier memory. When you are tailing him you can assassinate him just as the scene is starting. Wait on a nearby roof. Then at the right time air assassinate. The timing has to be pretty precise. Any earlier and you desynch; any later and the air assassination fails (as indicated by the lack of sound effects from the kill). In case anyone doubts this as a kill, the assassination stats have it recorded.

Now for John Pitcairn and Charles Lee (it may also be possible to air assassinate Pitcairn before the scene when tailing Braddock, but I was just aiming to kill Braddock for that). After the fight, Pitcairn and Lee just stand there, waiting for the next scene which starts when you get close enough to Braddock. So just move them to the closest place to drown them.

aurllcooljay's picture

The Templars' Early Deaths in Infiltrating Southgate
[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Early Deaths
After reaching southgate, your five Templar allies each go to a predetermined spot. Once they reach it, they stay there until the next part of the memory. Moving them isn't any trouble since they don't bother to move after that. So I move them all to the docks. The idea was to kill them all in one swift move using a horse. However I didn't move them close enough to the edge for fear of accidentally pushing them off the edge.

Conversations with the Templars
Haytham's Templar allies each blend in with some guards before the fight. While blending they have a conversation with the guards. Their entire conversations were put in the video to keep it short.
Thomas Hickey: Has a conversation with a group by the docks.
Benjamin Church: Has a conversation with a group by the general you have the option of killing.
William Johnson: Has a conversation with a group near the outer part of the camp.
Charles Lee: Has a conversation with a group near the middle of the camp.
John Pitcairn: Has a brief conversation with two guards by the outhouse. I didn't include his conversation because of some problems I was having, but you can hear him in the background of another one of the conversations, "stop slouching, soldier".

aurllcooljay's picture

Infiltrating Southgate Full Synch and Eagle Strike
[Front-paged. -stabguy]

This is the last memory in sequence 2.

Full Synch
The full synch requirements are:
1. Avoid firing line damage.
2. Find and kill the general.
3. Perform stealth assassinations from a corner spot - 3/3

I start from the checkpoint right after you enter the fortress. At the beginning I head left to the ship. You can get all three corner assassinations from here. First corner assassinate the captain patrolling outside the ship (either wait for him to come around the corner or whistle, but I couldn't help getting him as he was tuning away). There's another captain on the ship. Lure him with a whistle if you don't want to wait for him to come around a corner. A guard stands in front of the prisoners on the ship. Use whistle to get him and free the prisoners.

The two other sets of prisoners are guarded by a patrolling captain each. I'll keep things minimal by not killing anyone I don't have to (and drawing unnecessary attention). Head from the ship to the prisoners right in front of you. Wait for the captain to get right in front of them to free them without getting seen.

Now head for the general. He is located to the very right of the area. His map marker shows up when you get close enough. And since he isn't close to any of the prisoners, many players miss killing him. You need to kill him before freeing all the prisoners or you'll lose the chance. I see at least a few ways of successful stealth kills here. Since he was inspecting a haystack I killed him right there, almost getting seen (close call).

Now for the last prisoners. Use the tall grass to hide from the patrolling captain and free the prisoners at whatever convenient time there is. The scene will now start.

After this checkpoint all you have to worry about is getting hit by the firing line. That's the easy part.

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