string(6) "sticky" string(7) "created" string(3) "nid" string(465) "SELECT DISTINCT node.sticky AS node_sticky, node.created AS node_created, node.nid AS nid FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {node_access} na ON na.nid = node.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'term_access'))) AND ( (node.status = 1 OR (node.uid = 0 AND 0 <> 0) OR 0 = 1) AND (node.vid IN ( SELECT tn.vid FROM {term_node} tn WHERE tn.tid = %d )) )ORDER BY node_sticky DESC, node_created DESC " El Tiburón | The Hidden Blade

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El Tiburón

aurllcooljay's picture

"Torres" and El Tiburon Assassination Variety Pack

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

The memory Tainted Blood, in which you assassinate a decoy Torres and El Tiburon.

Turkey Shoot Early Death

In sequence 2 memory 2 El Tiburon first appears. Under02 originally found a way to kill him (throw a smoke bomb to make him drop his ax and use the special attack). Unfortunately it wasn't much reliable. So I looked for an improved way.

Get his attention. Be careful not to let him get close or Edward gets instant killed. Now this part is tricky because if you face the camera away from El Tiburon he disappears, even if you're in combat with him. Plus you currently have to tail a captain who is walking the opposite direction from El Tiburon. So lead him that way, towards a group of courtesans. At some point (when you have to obtain a key from the captain) his AI is no more. Just stands there and can be moved with tackle. Now for moving him into water the game won't let you tackle him off edges, so use an explosive barrel from the nearby fort.

Dead on Arrival

Kill "Torres" after he spawns in the fort. Get ahead while tailing El Tiburon and wait. Originally I wanted to stand right by the spot where he spawns, but it proved difficult with all the guards standing nearby. And yes it wasn't exactly where he appeared, but I spent so much time I figured it was close enough.

aurllcooljay's picture

Mysteriously Tainted Blood

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Sequence 12 memory 3. During this part of the game the whole city is a restricted area, so the challenge of being unseen is even greater. Combined with that is being forced into detection, not once but twice! However that isn't a problem with some THB exploits to help make Edward a ghost throughout the whole mission.

Tainted Blood

You start out by tailing El Tiburon to the location of Torres. Along the way you'll have to deal with the city guards. I figured it was better to follow by rooftop, where agunmen were the only problem. By using the path taken in the video you only have to worry about a few of them. Just stay out of their sight until they face away to move.

Next you reach the fort holding "Torres". The most direct route is from the tree in the front. A guard is patrolling that part of the roof. This part is a bit tricky since there are two other guards who can see you when you're moving from the roof to the inside. Keep an eye on the minimap to see which way they're facing (playing in standard quality sucks because it's too blurry to tell, so had to rely on some luck).

Now for assassinating the fake Torres. I wanted his death to seem mysterious, so poison was used. Before I would have tried a chokehold knockout to leave no evidence of foul play, but in this case it wouldn't work with remaining unseen.

previously vegetable's picture

[AC4][S12M3] "Torres" Ghost Blitz and El Tiburón Blitz
[Front-paged. -stabguy]

I tried to do a ghost run, but I really don't see how such a thing could be possible. Anyway, here's what I ended up with. Enjoy!

- No detections Never seen
- No kills/takedowns (except "Torres" and El Tiburón)
- No special outfits
- No ranged weapons/tools

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