string(6) "sticky" string(7) "created" string(3) "nid" string(465) "SELECT DISTINCT node.sticky AS node_sticky, node.created AS node_created, node.nid AS nid FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {node_access} na ON na.nid = node.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'term_access'))) AND ( (node.status = 1 OR (node.uid = 0 AND 0 <> 0) OR 0 = 1) AND (node.vid IN ( SELECT tn.vid FROM {term_node} tn WHERE tn.tid = %d )) )ORDER BY node_sticky DESC, node_created DESC " Frédéric Rouille | The Hidden Blade

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Frédéric Rouille

aurllcooljay's picture

Silent Rooftop Extermination and Rouille Stunt

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Assassins Creed Unity Sequence 8 Memory 2 September Massacres Rouille Assassination

Silent Rooftop Extermination

A method for assassinating every enemy on the rooftop during the mission without being seen.

Gunmen in the tower- the fast easy way is activating the optional cutscene, which kills both guards. Two other ways are ledge assassinations or sneaking up from behind.

Patrolling brute on platform- Either kill him when you're out of sight of the other nearby platform guards (after killing the guards in the tower) or ledge assassinate.

Brute and gunman on one side of the roof- Wait until the brute stands near the other guard for a double assassination or double air assassination.

Guards on other side of roof- Wait for the patrolling guard's back to be turned to quickly assassinate all three of them. You move faster crouching than walking.

Remaining guards- This part used to be tricky because one of the guards and the target are facing each other. However it has been discovered that shooting Rouille once with a berserk dart prevents him from seeing you. This helps a lot in sneaking around that particular area unseen. Now you can just walk up the steps and assassinate that guard, as well as the "sleeping against rail" guard.

Target- Thanks to the berserk dart trick, Rouille is in a state where his AI has been put on hold. If you perform some actions on him such as tackle or attack, the berserk affect kicks in shortly afterward. But in the meanwhile he doesn't notice you, not even if you're fighting enemies in front of him.

aurllcooljay's picture

The Fastest Ways to Assassinate Rouille

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Assassins Creed Unity Sequence 8 Memory 2 September Massacres Rouille Assassination

Undetected Until the Kill

The fastest route I could find. On a reload you start out the missions below the beam instead of on it. Jump down to the ground right away and head straight. Then turn left around the building and climb up from the market stall to the climbable ledges by the window. Climb straight up and the target is right ahead (when you reach the roof climb to the upper left to avoid scaling an unnecessary tower).

When you reach the roof it gets tricky because a guard always spawns shortly. To prevent him from detecting me, a cherry bomb distraction was used. You'll still cause suspicion but can start an air kill before becoming exposed.

Shortcut Route

Reloading the last checkpoint after reaching the target, you'll start on the roof. This was probably put into the game to make things easier. Start moving slightly to the right to avoid being seen right away by the rooftop guards. Now with some well aimed jumps you'll reach Rouille in very little time. But of course the nearby guards are a problem. Since you get seen before reaching the target, smoke bombs were used to avoid combat.

Altair Auditore's picture

Bastille eagle strike [S8,M2] (Possible minor spoilers).

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Here's my first AC:U video (and hopefully the first of many) on the target from sequence 8 memory 2.

The setup and execution of it are pretty obvious but there a a few things I'd like to add:

- I got Rouille at the target spot by having him chase me when in conflict, I didn't include this in the video because it takes a while and it isn't that interesting
- I wore chest armour that increased my health (instead of the more stealthy armour) because he will sometimes try to shoot you while chasing and those can be fatal really quickly.
- When I was being chased by Rouille I did my best to avoid bluecoat soldiers since they will engage Rouille and sometimes for no reason Rouille will then start running around randomly and not coming into conflict with Arno anymore. This can however be fixed by throwing a stun grenade on him.
- I had rouille fall on the little market stand next to the chateau because if he falls directly onto the ground the fall will "kill" him and I can only finish him off with the hidden blade.
- I chose the Bastille as an eagle strike point because it currently is the only place where I can consistently perform this move.
- The eagle strike might not be a 100 percent fluent but this can be attributed to the fact that Arno needs time to grip the ledge and when I tried making the jump and turning the camera at the same time Arno wouldn't grasp the ledge and I would desync.

Hope you guys enjoy the video.

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