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HiddenBlade Youtube channel

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..'s picture

I had an idea that I posted in another topic, but it would be better to post it as a new topic so...

We could have a channel just for the hidden blade and basically it would have all our videos comprised into playlists. For example, we would have multiple groups of videos..

Assassins Creed
Assassins Creed 2
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Guides: Red's guides, Ian's guides, my guides, etc.
Music Videos: Beautiful Lies

etc. And they'd all be from Hidden Blade users with a hidden blade intro. Think machinima.... Anyways, They users would still post them on their own channel, but this way the videos of all of us would be comprised into one main channel linking to ours.

I'm sure someone like Ian, Stabguy, Red, Aurell, Patrick, or anyone else could manage the channel. Intresting idea right?

I should post this somewhere else.. er... idk

Hi Ian!

161803398874989's picture

Hmmm, it's not a bad idea, but we have this site already, don't we? Where every vid is on the frontpage, sorted by category.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

stabguy's picture

This has been suggested once or twice before. My reaction has been that increasing our presence on YouTube seems counterproductive to promoting viewers to visit/join The Hidden Blade. In fact I've been considering decreasing our presence on YouTube by embedding unlisted (i.e. private URL) videos here or hosting more videos locally on our servers.

If anyone cares to explain how creating a YouTube channel would increase traffic to this website, I will keep an open mind and listen.

You won't even feel the blade.

JoeyFogey's picture

I've always thought of THB as being it's own independent site. Not an attention-getter. When I joined, there weren't very many regulars and it felt like a place where everyone knew each other. Like a secretive Assassin Order, but online. Wink Now that a few of the people I first met barely get on here anymore and newer, *ahem* less mature members sign up, it's turning into just another fan forum. Yes we still have great videos and discussions, but if we keep on growing into a MEGA-SITE, we're not going to be unique.

So I'm against becoming an attention-whore. No single Youtube channel for me. Big smile

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Pty James's picture

I think Joey wrapped it up pretty well. I think the same about the Youtube channel.

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

PatrickDeneny's picture

Agreed. It was probably even better before I got here but even when I joined the site felt very small (in a good way) and I really liked it. Its slowly grown and at the moment thats fine but soon it might just be like all those 'other' forums.

Jack-Reacher's picture

In all honesty I found this site because of AC maps for AC1. If I had found stabguy or Ians videos on youtube normally, I would have simply subscribed to them.

However I am also pretty sure I would have been interested in the exploits used and followed Ians link in his description to the articles. Im also sure one or two members came to this site from my Multiplayer videos, I have started to write the articles on this site instead and link them in the description, however im not sure if anyone signs up or just lurks here.

I think a hiddenblade youtube channel would be a lot of unneccessary work, this place already has a pretty good contents page of most of the users videos. However I have had some trouble finding some videos on this site and end up going to the users channel and finding it using their playlists. I don't see the harm in trying, but you really shouldn't fix what isn't broken, but I would like to see more active online players here as that is the only thing that is keeping me interesting in ACB

JoeyFogey's picture

Maybe we can collect all gameplay videos from any user and organize them in the sidebar. I know that not everyone's videos are on this site and still stuck in the Youtubeverse. It would save time for anyone looking up THB content. Wink

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Fly Like an Eagle's picture

Guess I'm the odd one out. I joined because I sent Ian I private message on youtube basically telling him how much the Eagle Strike of William impressed me, and then in his response he requested I join AC Maps. So I did find this community through youtube, I just had to put in a little extra effort to do it.

Actually, if Ian hadn't suggested I wouldn't have gone there in the first place. Despite this, I think keeping the site small weeds out the mature from the immature (for the most part, anyway).

It's just a matter of quality vs. quantity. If you want a community of better users, change nothing. If you want more users, set up a mega account on youtube. But as Lee Corso once said, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!