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I think we should have a subforum for each game.

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Jack-Reacher's picture

For each game on the forums there should be 2 subforums, one for topics only about gameplay and one for story/ anything else really. This might motivate more discussions about gameplay, I mean I feel there is still more we can do with these games other than usual crap we have milked to death right?

161803398874989's picture

Noone can be arsed to do anything with Revelations or Brotherhood, really. So for AC2 and AC1 maybe. And AC3 if it's good.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

sync's picture

Jack-Reacher, are you planning on doing more "breaking the AI" videos ? I have an idea for one case of citizen saving if you are interested.

Jack-Reacher's picture

Hasn't crossed my mind, I have loads of other video projects for MGS that are taking ages to do thansk to uni. I might go back to it but honestly most of them will be too repetitive, I got what I wanted out of the first one. Anyone else is welcome to jump in.

And yeah right now the series is pretty dead gameplay wise, its mainly for AC3 that I would like this.