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The Oasis - Stealth Reaper

Leo K's picture

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[Front Paged - JoeyFogey]

Assassin's Creed Origins
Quest: The Oasis (Eradication Zone Checkpoint)
Lethal / Reaper / Stealth Kills

Bayek of Siwa finally returns to the home that has missed its Medjay for many long days. What he sees is not a place of joy and freedom but of drooping faces, shuffling feet and spirit-crushed people -- obedient under Medunamun and his soldiers. Bayek and his ally Hepzefa send Medunamun a harsh message by eliminating a small unit of his men.


I recently finished the main story of Origins, which means many videos are coming.
My verdict? This is my favorite game in the series, and the best videogame I think I've played in my life.
The gameplay is constantly awesome, the story is pretty sick, present day is short (of course) but cool, there's a small bit of Isu stuff there that's pretty intense (there's more, if you hunt it in Side Quests). But yeah. AC Origins.

I would like to make a short video explaining different parkour states in this game, because it's a variant on Unity's engine but it's more... Black Flag-y...

I'd also like to make a short vid of like "Crazy Crap You Can Do With Mechanics" because my GOD there are so many little things that made me go "wow, I can't believe that's actually a viable strategy."

Double McStab with Cheese's picture

DarkAlphabetZoup wrote: I'd

DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
I'd also like to make a short vid of like "Crazy Crap You Can Do With Mechanics" because my GOD there are so many little things that made me go "wow, I can't believe that's actually a viable strategy."

My favorite mechanic based strategy is killing a lookout, flesh decaying his body and dropping him into the middle of of a camp of baddies to watch them all choke to death. (Careful doing this on a main street or you may cause a plague and kill half the town's population).

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus