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Rant Thread

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JoeyFogey's picture

An open thread for users to let it out if you're a type-ranter. Usually people use other topics and break the mood if it gets too serious. This is for the really serious times.

I made this because I was told I have a possibility of having an aneurysm if I don't relieve stress somehow and I hold a lot back. I'm that quiet, nice kid in every class who doesn't express themselves publicly a lot. Well, this is a negative consequence for people like me. I just gotta cool down and do whatever helps me.

I hope you guys use this thread for well-deserved purposes like not having a stroke at the age of 20.

EzioAltair17's picture

I've yet to have a girlfriend Crying.

Anyway. My week sucked,With the exception of it being four days. I was stressed out by a paper i had to do for ELA ( English class). It was a five paragraph, free- topic paper. Now i was originally gonna do the history of the assassins. But my E.L.A.teacher thought it was too dark of a topic.So i had to choose a generic topic( positive effects of gaming). Now here's where i started getting pissed off.

Now Tuesday, this week,class was in the computer lab. I don't have a personal account at school, so it took me forever to try to log on. When i got on, the bell rung. The next day, i get on, got about two paragraphs done. Class ends. Thursday i get on and my document was gone, causing me to restart again.

But i did finish and pass the assignment.Cause..I'm awesome.

Oh and that's not all. Today, i had a class i literally f*cking HATE. For two reasons:

The people

The teacher .

The teacher is this old bitch who has a very nasty attitude. She'll always point me out for no f*cking reason at all. What pisses me of the most. Is that the class isn't even a A.B.C.D. grade like all the other classes . Its E.M.W.U.or something like that. And i don't pay attention in that class...much. I usually draw through it. especially if i have that class first thing in the morning. Such as today. And she took my paper....and i was in the middle of something truly deviant art worthy. I was pissed the whole rest of the day after that.

Seriously, she even admitted she only deals with us for the money. bitch.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

161803398874989's picture

EzioAltair17 wrote:
I've yet to have a girlfriend Crying.

Geez, you're like 14. It wasn't until 16 that I had my first kiss. One of my older teachers had his first kiss at 21 and he was a pretty cool guy. Don't worry about it so much. Go for it if the opportunity arises, but other than that don't stress it.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

EzioAltair17's picture

Phil,EA17 doesn't stress about women. To busy being awesome.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

JoeyFogey's picture

EzioAltair17 wrote:
Phil,EA17 doesn't stress about women. To busy being awesome.

Haha, "Phil"...

Anyways, I didn't get my first date until I was 15. I could've waited for that. haha

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

EzioAltair17's picture

Jeez, i suck with names. Sorry. I'll continue listening to my dubstep now.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

JoeyFogey's picture

People that spell his name as "Enzio": F*ck you.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

aurllcooljay's picture

Reminds me of how Desmond first pronounced his name "Eezio".

ROB_88's picture

aurllcooljay wrote:
Reminds me of how Desmond first pronounced his name "Eezio".

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

aurllcooljay's picture

Leo K's picture

Yes, Desmond. Audi something. Audis are indeed good cars.

ROB_88's picture

it is now 9 AM and i just got back from the dentist after getting my wisdom tooth pulled, and the one next to it.

that was probably one of the most uncomfortable experiences i've had in a long time.
see, here they don't put you asleep (forgot what the english word is) for it, just a local anasthetic.
cause going to sleep for dentistry is almost never done here, only for special cases, cause that makes it classify as a surgery or something and that makes it a whole more complicated deal.

the actual procedure went pretty quick.
but i don't think the anasthetic worked as well as it should, seriously felt like i had a knife in my gums.

that feel when he started twisting and pulling, and cracking

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

JoeyFogey's picture

ROB_88 wrote:
it is now 9 AM and i just got back from the dentist after getting my wisdom tooth pulled, and the one next to it.

that was probably one of the most uncomfortable experiences i've had in a long time.
see, here they don't put you asleep (forgot what the english word is) for it, just a local anasthetic.
cause going to sleep for dentistry is almost never done here, only for special cases, cause that makes it classify as a surgery or something and that makes it a whole more complicated deal.

the actual procedure went pretty quick.
but i don't think the anasthetic worked as well as it should, seriously felt like i had a knife in my gums.

that feel when he started twisting and pulling, and cracking

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Leo K's picture

^What EA said.

That's insane ROB, I'm really sorry to hear that.

Actually, speaking of dentistry, today one of the springs in my braces randomly just POPPED out and is now sticking and poking into my upper lip, because that's kind of where I "store" it so I don't swallow it and oh, I don't know, DIE.

I called the orthodontists but they were already closed so I have to go tomorrow and miss two periods of school.
"Yay, you get to miss school!" Right? No. Not at all.

I will have to miss Drama and Writer's Craft which pwn so hard. Unbelievable.
Also. Lucy is dead guys. She's dead.. Do you know how sad that makes me? I even changed my sig and everything. Oh god.. The tears..

ROB_88's picture

DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
Also. Lucy is dead guys. She's dead.. Do you know how sad that makes me? I even changed my sig and everything. Oh god.. The tears..

what do you mean?
in game, or the actress?

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

EzioAltair17's picture

I hate viruses. Got a fake security one, messed my whole personal account up.

Anyway,What a week. Starts off with a verbal fight in English class. Here's the hole story:

After tolerating 3 minutes of a students talking during our 25 min of in-class hunger games reading. My teacher confronts the student, kicking him out of class. The kid sitting across from him said something that got the kid being kicked out riled up. The other kid raised out of his seat, yelling out "bet you wont hit me!" a few several times. They got in each others face. My teacher tried holding them back.

My English teacher has to be at least.. 90 pounds or around that weight range. Shes trying her best to stop them. So she sends the one originally in-trouble out the room. But the one who was yelling, was still causing commotion , the other kid still was at the door. The kid still in the room was now yelling" If i see you in the street imma f*cking kill you". My teacher was trying to old him back. But he pushed her out of his way.

" Get off me you ugly b*tch." is what he said to her. She started crying, continued the rest of class. I felt bad.

So before i left her class i said these exact words...

"hope you fell better. And hope you don't find this racist people." She actually laughed.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

stabguy's picture

ROB_88 wrote:
what do you mean?
in game, or the actress?

In game. Lucy got stabbed at the end of Brotherhood. Most of us figured it was a cheap cliffhanger and that she'd bounce back in the next game. Instead, Revelations mentioned Lucy's funeral. The Lost Archive DLC was the final nail in the coffin so to speak.

The actress Kristen Bell is alive and well. Her career is going so well that she may have been the one who decided not to sign on to another AC game. Some have speculated that she fulfilled a three game contract and got out. I disagree. In interviews, Kristen implied that her AC work was on a game by game basis. For whatever reason, the Lucy character has been written out of the story.

You won't even feel the blade.

ROB_88's picture

ok, that's what i thought
was just confused over why her death was brought up now all of a sudden

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Leo K's picture

Because I'm crazy and I love her..
And no, Kristen Bell is perfectly fine.
The day Kristen Bell drops dead is the day I lapse back into clinical depression Tongue

EzioAltair17's picture

Shes on some kinda Showtime series right?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

161803398874989's picture



"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

EzioAltair17's picture

I know how you feel. Happened to me on many occasions.

So i had drawn Katniss from the hunger games. I thought i didn't look that good.But my ELA teacher liked it enough to keep it. Currently hanging on her wall in her class room.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

ROB_88's picture

EzioAltair17 wrote:
So i had drawn Katniss from the hunger games. I thought i didn't look that good.But my ELA teacher liked it enough to keep it. Currently hanging on her wall in her class room.

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

PatrickDeneny's picture

Today, a friend and I were discussing the new Assassin's Creed game. He didn't know much about it so I was saying that the new assassin is called Connor but also has a Native American name, the setting is the American Revolution (not the French Revolution as he thought) etc.

Then he goes and says, "But I don't get why this one is called Assassin's Creed III...?"

EzioAltair17's picture

I'm so fucking tired of surfing You-tube. starting off with Assassin's creed related stuff,ending up at rick-rolls.Pedo bear ,and all types of wired shit.

So does anyone else agree on a possible border to indicate when a person is entering "that part of youtube" .

Patrick i feelz ya, I've tried explaining ACIII to a couple of people. They just couldn't understand AC bro-hood and revlations DIDN'T count as ACIII and IV.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

aurllcooljay's picture

EzioAltair17 wrote:
I've tried explaining ACIII to a couple of people. They just couldn't understand AC bro-hood and revlations DIDN'T count as ACIII and IV.

Here's a good way to explain it. Just think of The Lion King 1 1/2. It was fun, but didn't take itself as seriously as the numbered titles. Big smile

PatrickDeneny's picture

Got some A2 exam results today for modules I took in January. I did pretty well so am quite pleased, although getting A*s overall is going to be tough - well on the way to university though! Laughing out loud

JoeyFogey's picture

JoeyFogey wrote:
I hope you guys use this thread for well-deserved purposes like not having a stroke at the age of 20.

Close one today. My own mother was hurting my cat (who's pretty much my child I raised from birth) because she couldn't make it to the litter box. I confronted my mom about it and an argument ensued. It finally ended and for the past hour (maybe? It feels like more than that) my "aneurysm headaches" (the pains in my head that my doctor said occurs before a possible aneurysm) have been acting up to the point that I can't move much.

Trying to take it easy, but it's hard when your parents constantly come in to argue more.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

EzioAltair17's picture


Edit: I remember when my mom put my cat in a pillow sheet and beat it against a wall.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

Leo K's picture

161803398874989's picture

What the fuck? That's really messed up.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

ROB_88's picture

what the hell did i just read?

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

JoeyFogey's picture

Yeah, I was just complaining about mah babeh, but then EA just went and made it even bigger. O_o

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

EzioAltair17's picture

LoL...just a joke. My mother isn't that crazy.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

stabguy's picture

I had to go to downtown Honolulu for work yesterday, a drive that usually takes 30 minutes or less. Instead it took an hour and a half. Okay, my bad for going at rush hour or something. So I make sure to leave at an off-peak time. It took two hours and 45 minutes to get home. Angry By then I was ready to punch a kitten.

You won't even feel the blade.

JoeyFogey's picture

stabguy wrote:
By then I was ready to punch a kitten.


PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

161803398874989's picture

It's getting very tempting just to ban all brazilian, portuguese and spanish IPs from the Lucidipedia Blog. For every single genuine comment, there are about a hundred spam comments from aformentioned countries. >.<


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

JoeyFogey's picture

I'm in a "tumblr battle" (?) with some guy not knowing anything about Assassin's Creed. I saw his post and here's the summary:

He works at Gamestop. He doesn't play Assassin's Creed, but knows some things about it. His store is covered in AC3 posters and stuff. A lot of people come in and ask why Ubisoft is going with a new ancestor. He is sticking to the story that Ubisoft is putting Connor in as the ancestor just for funsies and no real purpose. Also, he thought Revelations was the end of ALL ancestors, because “THAT IS A DIRECT LINE FROM THE GAME".

I've been attempting to explain that it was just a wrap up of Altair and Ezio, and that Ubi planned a 3 ancestor trilogy since the first game. He won't have any of it. I don't see why this is so hard to understand for so many people.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

PatrickDeneny's picture

JoeyFogey wrote:
I'm in a "tumblr battle" (?) with some guy not knowing anything about Assassin's Creed. I saw his post and here's the summary:

He works at Gamestop. He doesn't play Assassin's Creed, but knows some things about it. His store is covered in AC3 posters and stuff. A lot of people come in and ask why Ubisoft is going with a new ancestor. He is sticking to the story that Ubisoft is putting Connor in as the ancestor just for funsies and no real purpose. Also, he thought Revelations was the end of ALL ancestors, because “THAT IS A DIRECT LINE FROM THE GAME".

I've been attempting to explain that it was just a wrap up of Altair and Ezio, and that Ubi planned a 3 ancestor trilogy since the first game. He won't have any of it. I don't see why this is so hard to understand for so many people.


What a complete, f*cking, moron...

Leo K's picture

Just got my collectible case yesterday.

EzioAltair17's picture

JoeyFogey wrote:
I'm in a "tumblr battle" (?) with some guy not knowing anything about Assassin's Creed. I saw his post and here's the summary:

He works at Gamestop. He doesn't play Assassin's Creed, but knows some things about it. His store is covered in AC3 posters and stuff. A lot of people come in and ask why Ubisoft is going with a new ancestor. He is sticking to the story that Ubisoft is putting Connor in as the ancestor just for funsies and no real purpose. Also, he thought Revelations was the end of ALL ancestors, because “THAT IS A DIRECT LINE FROM THE GAME".

I've been attempting to explain that it was just a wrap up of Altair and Ezio, and that Ubi planned a 3 ancestor trilogy since the first game. He won't have any of it. I don't see why this is so hard to understand for so many people.

If i found out he works at any gamestop close to me....hes gonna die

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

Pty James's picture

Perhaps he is just trolling you? Although I've met some people who are just so stupid that it is actually hard to believe it.

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

JoeyFogey's picture

Pty James wrote:
Perhaps he is just trolling you? Although I've met some people who are just so stupid that it is actually hard to believe it.

No, he wasn't trolling. He got frustrated and cursed. I try to hold back on that (I called him a whiny b*tch, that's the furthest I went). He was in denial or something, haha.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

EzioAltair17's picture

Well whatta a fucking day. Instead of going to school,like a normal fucking child. I'm stuck riding with my father to new york. My sister tagged along though, made the trip a lot easier.
New york is a horrible place.If you've lived there once in your life,you know what I'm talking about. But if you've never been to NYC ,and your not use to city life,you might not want to visit. The worst part about today was the fact that majority of the time was spent on times square.I hate going in areas like this.TOO MANY PEOPLE!!. I get really claustrophobic in NYC. Why, cause its over-fucking- populated. That's one of the many reasons my family left NYC. UGGGHHAAA i just can't express my hatred for this city i use to call home.

If NYC is go for anything. Its women.My eyes had a ball looking through the windows of the back seat.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

LisaMurphy's picture

This is a U.S.-centric rant, so non-U.S.ians can feel free to ignore.

My brother and sister-in-law recently returned from a holiday in New Zealand. They noticed, as soon as they returned to the U.S. (still in the airport, in fact), an noxious atmosphere of anxiety and fear that was pervasive and overwhelming. It was a strong contrast to the "feel" of the world while they were in New Zealand.

This morning, the film critic in my local newspaper described what I believe to be the reason why our toxic atmosphere exists and he hit the nail squarely on the head. He wrote an article about a documentary called "Bully", which received an "R" rating from the MPAA, meaning those under age 17 are not admitted without a parent or legal guardian. This is because the "f-word" is used, twice. (Once would presumably been acceptable. *facepalm*) After making the obvious points (under-17s are exactly the ones who need to see it / free publicity / everyone lives an R-rated life anyway, especially teenagers who hear and use the f-word constantly, etc.), he went on to say:

"Alas, there is a certain spirit, a certain way of seeing reality, that likes rules, that feels comfortable imposing predetermined constraints on art, on life, on everything. It's a way of deciding meaning without searching for meaning, of deciding the truth without looking for it. In a sense, it's a way of feeling safe. You can impose order on anarchy without having to look into the face of anarchy. You can feel as if you know everything while knowing nothing. Like all ways of thinking that reward ignorance, it's a tempting intellectual trap." (Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle 3/16/2012)

It's also raping the soul and that's what is at large in U.S. culture today. I love my country, but it's sometimes so fucking hard to be an American these days.

"Now you shall get an earful of my beloved sword! Behold, Pillow Talk! Let's rock, baby!"

ROB_88's picture

EzioAltair17 wrote:

fun fact, maybe. the city of New York has more people than my entire country

why did you have to go?

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Pty James's picture

ROB_88 wrote:
EzioAltair17 wrote:

fun fact, maybe. the city of New York has more people than my entire country

why did you have to go?

Fun Fact 2, I guess. The metropolitan area of Stockholm has more people than my country, and the land isn't bigger that the state of North Carolina.

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

EzioAltair17's picture

ROB_88 wrote:
EzioAltair17 wrote:

fun fact, maybe. the city of New York has more people than my entire country

why did you have to go?

Father had a doctors appointment.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which

Leo K's picture

Fun fact: The PROVINCE I currently live in is both 10x bigger in land surface area as well as several hundred times larger in population than my home COUNTRY.

aurllcooljay's picture

LisaMurphy wrote:
This morning, the film critic in my local newspaper described what I believe to be the reason why our toxic atmosphere exists and he hit the nail squarely on the head. He wrote an article about a documentary called "Bully", which received an "R" rating from the MPAA, meaning those under age 17 are not admitted without a parent or legal guardian. This is because the "f-word" is used, twice. (Once would presumably been acceptable. *facepalm*)

Sometimes the MPAA is more conservative than at other times. The movie "Ocean's Eleven" also had two f-words and got a pg-13 rating. There was even a post about that on the internet movie database.

EzioAltair17's picture

I'm sure you one of you guys heard about that girl who was kicked out of school for the pink hair.Fun fact,Thats my school

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which