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What Is Your Favorite Weapon Type?

ThroatnDagger's picture
Leo K's picture

The only weapon type I use in

The only weapon type I use in pretty much any game for semi-obvious reasons is Hidden Blade(s).
However, for Assassin's Creed III, the animations and combat fluidity of the Assassin Tomahawk was incredible.
So although I selected Tomahawks, I love Hidden Blades as well... Except for the fact that they're very slow in ACIII and Black Flag.

TheMethodicalAssassin's picture

I have had A LOT of fun with

I have had A LOT of fun with the rope dart in the past two games.

Slowly, but surely, the job gets done.

XBL Gamertag: BigRouge04

Double McStab with Cheese's picture

For this one I went with the

For this one I went with the bow... it was close between the bow and the tomahawk really. The hidden blades were okay in this game, but Connor's animations begged for you to be brutal with a tomahawk and knife double wield. But it was the bow that I enjoyed most.

EDIT: However, my single favorite animation in the game is the counter-tool with a snare equipped. If you haven't discovered this brutal brutal kill, try it on your own.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Double McStab with Cheese's picture


TheMethodicalAssassin wrote:
I have had A LOT of fun with the rope dart in the past two games.

Was the rope dart even IN ACIV? (I kid... but not really)

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus