string(6) "sticky" string(7) "created" string(3) "nid" string(465) "SELECT DISTINCT node.sticky AS node_sticky, node.created AS node_created, node.nid AS nid FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {node_access} na ON na.nid = node.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'term_access'))) AND ( (node.status = 1 OR (node.uid = 0 AND 0 <> 0) OR 0 = 1) AND (node.vid IN ( SELECT tn.vid FROM {term_node} tn WHERE tn.tid = %d )) )ORDER BY node_sticky DESC, node_created DESC " Sequence 5 | The Hidden Blade

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Sequence 5

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Dynamic Explosion on Adéwalé

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Edward Kenway's first mate, now an assassination target.

Dynamic Explosion

Adéwalé can be quite a challenge because he'll run, but get into combat mode when you get close enough, and he fights pretty darn well. Now for a stylish way to get him from afar.

Enter the area by the way that leads to Haytham. Then circle around to the spot with a barrel. Watch out for the two assassin stalkers hiding in the bushes.

The target starts fleeing when you get detected while within a certain range (also if you do something suspicious, but I haven't investigated that). Just wait for him to pass by to throw the barrel. The memory corridor gets delayed for whatever reason.

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